What is new for KTouch in KDE SC 4.12

It has been quite a while since my last post. My time available for KDE development has dried up since then considerably, limiting the scope of my work to basic maintenance and user support. Time for actual programming, let alone writing about it, was rather scarce. Luckily this state has…

February Update for KTouch

I have expected the February to become a month full of bug fixing because of the the KTouch's release at the beginning of the month, but I haven't received a single valid bug report to date.[1] Well, except a few which will be addressed by the the feature I…

January Update for KTouch

This also includes the work done on KTouch in December. With the expected Christmas-related development hiatus I didn't feel overly compelled to write a dedicated update. And it is also the very last update before the upcoming KDE SC 4.10 release. The final tag freeze was already yesterday, so…

November Update for KTouch

It has been a quite month for KTouch, with the Feature Freeze in place for the greater part of the month. But this doesn't mean nothing has been done at all. Last Features First, I did some work on the layouting code for the training screen. Previously KTouch picked a…

New Version of KTouch Merged

Today I've finally merged my next branch into the master branch. Lately the differences between the two branches became increasingly huge: $ git log origin/master..origin/next --oneline --no-merges | wc -l 402 $ git --no-pager diff origin/master..origin/next --shortstat -- src/ 252 files changed, 23468 insertions(+), 14282 deletions(-)…

KTouch Got a New Score Screen

So after finishing a lesson that's that the user is going to see now: With the help of the screen the user can review his learning progress and identify his weaknesses. For that a bar diagram visualizing the errors he has made during the training can be summoned: If he…

Line Graphs for Qt Quick

After finishing the keyboard layout editor here in Randa I've started working on the last remaining big task of the upcoming new version of KTouch: the summary screen which will be shown after the user has completed a lesson. For that I want to display the user's learning progress with…

The State of KTouch — Part II

This is the second part of my blog post series describing the results of my work on KTouch. If you haven't read the first part, you can find it here. This time I will write more about the new course and keyboard layout editor. KTouch can be only as good…

The State of KTouch — Part I

This post will tell you more about the new features touch typing trainer component of the upcoming version of KTouch, but before I come to that, I will write a little bit about the approach I took to design the new user interface. Design Principles Actually this boils down to…